Saturday, April 10, 2010


We had Kyle's family over for a little BBQ the week before Easter. We dyed eggs and had an egg hunt in the front yard for the kids! It was a lot of fun! Jayda, Grace, Kohen & Kaden =)

One of our traditions is to make Easter the 1st camping trip of the year out at the sand dunes! We went to Cherry Creek again this year, which is far away from the big crowd .... just how we like it! We always go with my sister Hope's cute family and we had a bunch of friends join in this year. There was like 6 inches of snow at our house when we left, but it only snowed our last morning at the dunes and it really wasn't that bad! It was for sure cold at times, but we still played and had a lot of fun! Here's a picture of little Kohen and his kool ride!

Nick and Tracy brought up Brookie's little bike, so Kyle took Grace for a spin ... she LOVED it!!

Poor Kyle doesn't have any fun toys anymore, so he had to settle for Gracie's jeep! HA HA

Here is Tatum becoming a pro with her newest ride!

Grace and Addi cruisin the jeep! There was 4 little girls around the same age camping, they had a blast together! beep beep, honk honk!

Hot mama's Ruthanne and Hope! These girls have been working their butts off to train for a relay race coming up soon with a bunch of their friends ... I'm way excited for them!!

Addi and Grace coloring eggies! Yumm yummm, I love me some hard boiled eggs!

Happy smiling kids on Easter morning! Kyle got Grace a fun little kit to use outside and catch bugs and such and Kohen got some little cars ... vroom vroom!!

Brookie and Grace on the egg hunt! And of course it waited to snow for the easter egg hunt, but really it wasn't that cold. Turned out just fine!

Daddy Biggs and his kids and coffee. Funny story .... the power was out at our house a few weeks ago when we woke up. Well that didn't stop Kyle from having his coffee, on no!!! He pulled out the generator and made a pot!

Cute stinkers!!! They had a blast .... can't wait for our next camping trip!!

Oh and don't mind the fact that my pup Rocky decided to attack a big black cow while out camping!! I was taking a nap (1st nap in months!) with Kohen during the event, but Kyle said the cow kicked our dogs butt! Kyle was actually really worried that Rocky was way hurt after getting stomped and head butted into the ground ..... but luckily he was just fine!? Never a dull moment with THREE dogs!!


Kim and Steve said...

Sounds like fun, but it does look cold. Seems like a fun Easter tradition though.

I'm glad your dog is o.k. One of my miniature pinchers got attacked by a Rotweiler and ended up spending the night in the ER, but he was fine. I'm glad your dog didn't get hurt too bad. Scary.

Ann said...

Looks like a lot of fun!! you got a ton of cute pics. That is so funny about rocky, but i am glad he is ok :)

Anonymous said...

sounds fun! we for sure want to come to bear lake with you this year!!! kristine

RETTJ16 said...

Looks cold!!!! When we going to do lunch???

Mitchell Family said...

WOW... you guys are troopers to go camping with SNOW!!! Do you guys have a camper, or toy hauler... we want one soooo bad!

Em said...

looks like a wild Easter